1 min read

Are Turkey Bones Good For Dogs?

When it comes to turkey bones, there is a lot of conflicting information out there. So, are turkey bones good for dogs or not? Let's find out.
Are Turkey Bones Good For Dogs?

You may have heard that turkey bones are dangerous for dogs. The truth is, it depends on the type of bone and how it's prepared. Here's what you need to know about feeding your dog turkey bones.

There are two main types of bones that you'll find in the meat aisle of your grocery store: raw and cooked. Raw bones, also known as "green" bones, have not been cooked or processed in any way. These bones still contain moisture and are more flexible than their cooked counterparts.

Cooked bones, on the other hand, have been boiled, baked, or smoked. This process makes them dry and brittle, which can pose a choking hazard for dogs. For this reason, it's important to only feed your dog cooked turkey bones that have been properly prepared.

Turkey bones that have been roasted with the meat still attached are not safe for dogs. The reason is two-fold. First, the meat can be a choking hazard. Second, the grease and fat from the turkey can cause pancreatitis in dogs.

If you want to give your dog a cooked turkey bone, it's best to do so after the meat has been removed. You can also look for commercially-prepared rawhide chews that are made from turkey bones. These chews are safe for dogs and can help clean their teeth.

When it comes to feeding your dog turkey bones, it's important to use caution. Raw bones can be safe for dogs if they're properly prepared, but cooked bones can be dangerous. Be sure to remove all the meat before giving your dog a cooked turkey bone, and avoid giving them roasted bones with the meat still attached.

Alternatively, you can give your dog a commercially-prepared rawhide chew made from turkey bones. This is a safe way to let your dog enjoy the taste of turkey while also helping clean their teeth!