Debunking the Myth: Does Biking Damage Your Knees?

Biking is a fun, low-impact form of exercise that many people choose as their primary mode of transportation. However, there are concerns that biking may damage your knees over time. With conflicting opinions and various studies, it can be challenging to determine whether biking is harmful or not. In this blog post, we’ll explore the facts and debunk the myth of whether biking causes knee damage.
First and foremost, it's essential to understand that biking is a non-weight-bearing exercise, which means it doesn't put as much stress on your knees as running, jumping, or other high-impact activities. According to Dr. Stephen Thompson, an orthopedic surgeon and avid cyclist, “cycling isn’t bad for your knees, but not cycling can be.” In contrast, the British Journal of Sports Medicine reports that people who cycle frequently have no increased risk of cartilage defects or knee pain.
Nevertheless, some studies indicate that certain factors can contribute to knee pain or damage while cycling. First, improperly fitted bikes with seats that are too high or handlebars that are too low can put additional stress on the knees. Second, pedaling with increased resistance or gears that are too high can cause wear and tear on the knees. Lastly, if you already have a knee injury or underlying condition, such as arthritis or patellofemoral pain syndrome, riding a bike may exacerbate the problem.

Now, let's talk about how to prevent knee pain or damage while biking. Firstly, it's vital to make sure that you have the correct bike fit. Getting a professional bike fitting or following online tutorials can help you adjust your seat height, handlebars, and pedals to ensure proper alignment.
Besides, starting gradually and increasing your intensity or duration slowly can help prevent overuse injuries such as tendonitis. Finally, incorporating strength training exercises can target and strengthen your quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes, providing stability and better support for your knees.
Another way to reduce the risk of knee pain or damage is to use cycling shoes with cleats or clips that allow you to clip into the pedals. This can distribute force more evenly between the pedals, reducing stress on your knees significantly. Another option is to use knee pads or braces to provide extra support to the joint.
In conclusion, the myth that biking causes knee damage has been debunked by various studies and experts. However, improper form, bike fit, or underlying conditions can potentially lead to knee pain or injury.
Therefore, taking proper measures such as getting a professional bike fitting, gradually increasing your intensity, and using proper gear can go a long way in preventing any knee problems. Biking can be a great form of exercise and transportation for all ages, abilities, and body types - so don't hesitate to hit the trail, get some fresh air, and enjoy the ride!