2 min read

The joys (and trials) of washing your dog at home

If you're a dog owner, chances are you've had to wash your furry friend at least once or twice. With a little planning you can avoid getting soaked!
The joys (and trials) of washing your dog at home

If you're a dog owner, chances are you've had to wash your furry friend at least once or twice. You can't always go to a professional groomer. And if you're anything like me, you probably approach this task with a sense of dread and foreboding. After all, it's not exactly fun to get soaked and slimed in the process of trying to clean someone else. But it doesn't have to be that way! With a little planning and preparation, you can make the experience much more bearable - for both you and your dog. Here's how:

Plan ahead

Have everything you need - dog shampoo, towels, brush, cotton balls etc. - within reach before you start. That way, you won't have to break away in the middle of things to go search for something you need. Select the best dog shampoo that is best for your dog's coat and dog's skin.

Some shampoo's contain natural oils, and are good for sensitive skin.  Some are better for moisturizing and nourishing a dog's coat.  Try to pick the best dog shampoo for your particular dog.

And speaking of things you need...

Wear old clothes

Let's face it - clothes + wet dog = disaster. So save yourself the trouble and just wear something that you don't mind getting wet and dirty. An old pair of jeans and a T-shirt will do nicely.

Get a helper

If possible, enlist the help of someone else to hold the dog while you are washing him/her. This will free up your hands so that you can concentrate on doing a thorough job. Just be sure that your helper is someone who won't mind getting wet and dirty as well!

Be prepared for...anything

No matter how well-behaved your dog usually is, there's always a chance that he/she will try to make a break for it when bath time comes around. Be prepared for this by having a towel or cloth handy to dry off quickly if need be.

Make sure you use a good dog shampoo and keep it out of the dog's ears and dog's eyes. And try not to take it personally if your dog does make a run for it - after all, who can blame them? Bath time isn't exactly most people's idea of fun either. ;)


Washing your dog at home doesn't have to be a dreaded experience. With a little planning and preparation, you can make it much more bearable for both you and your pooch. Just be sure to have everything you need within reach before you start, wear old clothes that you don't mind getting wet and dirty, enlist the help of someone else if possible, and be prepared for anything! Your four-legged friend will thank you for it - eventually. ;)